Friday, September 26, 2008

What will the twin terrors do next?

Oh what a day today has been! It started out normal enough, that is if you can ever refer to any day in my household as normal. I have been trying to get caught up on laundry which is what I do pretty much everyday now that I think about it. Wonder why I am never caught up? Oh well, that is another blog. Anyway, apparently while I was switching the loads out, one of my little darlings decided to play around in the refrigerator. 

I didn't really think much of it, this is par for the course with them since their Father being the lovely man he is, taught them to go fetch their own Capri Sun drinks. I settled them in for their afternoon naps, watched a little TV & decided to go fix myself a frozen pretzel for a snack. 

I get my handy box of Super Pretzels out and they are thawed! I was hoping for the best as I trudged back to the freezer but nope, my worst fears were confirmed! Melted popsicles and ice cream everywhere, water floating out of the ice cube trays - what fun! Mommy brain took over and I had completely forgotten that the kids had been playing in the fridge. Immediately I think GREAT, the freezer is broke. I called my Dad near tears because we really, really cannot afford a new kitchen appliance at this time. He calmed me down a little bit & told me to go check the switches & make sure the refrigerator was turned on. Yep, dummy me didn't even think to do the obvious!

Thankfully, that is what it was... one of the darlings had turned the entire fridge off while playing with buttons. Some stuff had to be thrown out and it was a close call on the meat & chicken but for right now, things are back to normal.

I am so going shopping this weekend! Mommy needs a break & possibly a strong cocktail as well!

My baby girl is turning into a Diva!

There is probably a better word for how she has been acting, however I don't want to frighten any potential readers off just yet! To sum it up, for the most part she has been my good child thus far. She doesn't have the fits and tantrums that her twin brother has and when I tell her to do something she usually actually listens. Well that was until a couple of days ago...

It almost seems as if she just woke up mean one day! I am very used to her coming up to me out of the blue & giving me a big hug, saying she loves me. Now if I say something she doesn't like, I get "I hate you". She has also taken to mocking her punishments, if I tell her she needs to go to time-out for something she will say "I'm not going to time-out, you need to go to time-out".

Last week I adopted a new kitten from the shelter for the two of them since they'd been begging for a pet. She loved her so much last week, this week when I tell her that she is playing too rough with the kitten I get the response "I hate kitties" and then "You need to take the kitties all back". 

Please someone tell me this is a phase & if not, where can I buy Xanax in bulk? Ha, Ha!

P.S. I bet you all figured out the word I probably should've used in place of Diva, huh?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Grey's Anatomy

It's finally here! The Season Premiere of Grey's Anatomy comes on tonight at 9:00 and I am counting down the minutes! Is anyone else as excited as I am?? The Season Finale was such a cliffhanger & then the previews they've shown show Rose telling Derek she is carrying his child. Very interesting indeed! I've heard some spoilers but I will keep them to myself, ha ha! Anyway, I'm looking forward to relaxing and watching one of my favorite shows tonight!

My very first blog!

Here it is - my very first blog! I'm sure that there will be tons more to come as I usually have quite a lot to say & lets face it, some things a 3 year old just doesn't need to hear about! Basically I always feel like I'm talking to myself anyway, so I figured this would be a fantastic way to get my feelings out... maybe if I'm lucky a friend or two will take a peek from time to time. After all, you never know what might show up on my blog! :0)